The Beacon Program
The Center for Child & Family Services is honored to receive funding from The Bernardine Franciscan Sister’s Foundation to provide counseling services to clients and employees of local nonprofits from Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson, Gloucester County and York County who have been effected by COVID 19 and/or social unrest.
Many in our community have been adversely affected by our current social stressors and cannot afford to seek counseling and support. The Foundation has had the foresight to see the need in our community and we are excited to serve those in need and help them navigate the storms of changing times.
Non-Profits | Client Referrals | Employees
1. Complete the application form to become a Nonprofit Referral Partner for Client referrals only.
2. Complete the Counseling Referral Form (for clients only) and fax it to the Center for Child & Family Services at 757-838-3280 or email to beaconprogram@kidsandfamilies.com
3. Any employee of a local nonprofit in the Bernardine Franciscan Sisters Foundation service area does not require a referral form but can call for counseling services at