Consultations & Workshops
The staff at Center for Child & Family Services has had extensive experience in providing presentations and consultations to local agencies and we are happy to offer some of the following trainings that would be adapted to your agency needs:
This training provides an understanding on the basics of providing trauma informed care including prevalence, recognizing trauma in the people you serve and how to provide trauma informed services. This presentation can be catered to meet your organization’s focus and mission.
Burn out, Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma
This training can be geared towards the line staff or supervisors on recognizing burnout, compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma and ways to promote a healthy work environment. This training helps you develop an effective self-care plan.
This training will provide staff with ways that they can promote resiliency which can prevent PTSD in trauma victims or ways to aid in healing PTSD symptoms once they have occurred.
Being a Trauma Informed Agency
This training will help agency staff understand the principles of being a trauma informed service provider. It will also look at their organization and facilitate the development of a plan to increase their trauma informed service provision.
Domestic Violence
This training will encompass the issues surrounding domestic violence, and the best practices for treating offenders and aiding victims.
Helping Traumatized Youth with Behavior Issues
This training will explain how traumatic experience can manifest as behavioral issues, and how to address problem behaviors.
These presentations can be provided in a variety of allotted time with the following speaker fees*:
Hourly presentations - $300 per hour
Full Day presentation- $1500 per day
*Fees are sample prices and may change depending upon a variety of factors, including: location, topics, travel & accommodations, etc.
CCFS staff have been requested speakers or consultants for:
Hampton Juvenile Justice
Newport News Department of Human Services
Norfolk Department of Human Services
Hampton & Newport News School Nurses
Riverside Hospital Grand Rounds
Capstone Behavioral Health, Newton Iowa.
Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center
Virginia Beach Justice Initiative
Contact us.
Please complete the below request form and one of our staff will get back with you on arranging a time and clarifying your needs.