Get Some Fresh Air: Social distancing doesn’t mean you can’t get some personal space outdoors! Take a walk on the beach or your neighborhood. Sut on your front porch & take some deep breaths.
Embrace Your Hobbies: Never have time to do the things you love? Maybe you do now. Picking up your hobbies can be soothing to your mental health. Maybe it’s knitting, fishing, drawing, whatever! Pick up that project that has been neglected, and go for it!
Take Short Breaks: It’s easy to get overwhelmed right now. You may be working from home, homeschooling, or our of work due to the COVID-19 situation. If you are starting to feel overwhelmed, take a short break, take some deep breaths, and do something that will shift your focus for a bit.
Stay Active: Keeping busy takes your mind off worrying. Sure, it feels good to lay around in your pjs, but that can take a toll on your mood after a while. Work of some projects around the house, organize that closet that’s a mess, read a book, play a game with the kids, watch a workout video on YouTube. Staying active and busy will help your overall mood.
Stay Connected: Social distancing doesn’t mean you can’t stay in contact with friends digitally. Call or message a friend, or have a video chat with the girls. Catch up with a family member you have not had time to connect with in the past. Staying connected helps us remember, we’re not in this alone!
Take a Break from News and Social Media: Watching and reading all the info on COVID-19 will make your more anxious. If you have kids, consider explaining the situation to them in a way where they do not feel scared or anxious. Protect them from knowing too much fightening information about the virus.
Reflect on Thankfulness: Situations like the one we’re in are difficult, and can lead to extensive complaining and worrying. Try to flip it, and think of the positive instead. We take a lot for granted, such as having toilet paper on the shelves, and being able to hug a friend. Research shows that being thankful helps increase our overall mood. Make a list of the things you are thankful for, and it will shift how you feel.