Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of working with Certified Consumer Credit Counselors?
Certified Consumer Credit Counselors are experts who tailor confidential programs to meet your specific needs. They will help you understand your situation so you can get on the road to financial freedom.
What happens when I contact CCCS of Hampton Roads?
When you contact us, you will be advised of any information you need for your counseling session. You will be able to gather your financial documents and other relevant information together, and receive professional help in-person, by phone, on online.
Will my creditors know I have an appointment with you?
When you tell a creditor that you have an appointment with us or the creditor has referred you to one of our local agencies, we may get a call to verify your appointment.
How are we funded?
CCCS is funded through a variety of sources including voluntary contributions from creditors who participate in our Debt Management Plans (DMP), local grants from private sources and foundations, and client fees and contributions.
Why will creditors reduce payments through CCCS instead of working directly with me?
CCCS employs certified consumer credit counselors who evaluate your overall financial situation. Because we help you come up with realistic options to solve your financial problem, creditors will work with us - and, through the agency, with you.